Axiall Beneficial Use Project
The Axiall Beneficial Use of Dredge Material Project was designed to create and nourish over 200 acres of tidal marsh. The project is located in Lake Charles, LA near the I-210 Bridge. Axiall utilized dredged material via a hydraulic cutter head dredge to beneficially place the sediment within the project site. Stream Wetland Services (SWS) provided monitoring and consulting services during the placement of the material. Water quality management, impacts to fish and wildlife, elevations, and material containment were monitored during construction. SWS staff utilized over 50 elevation gauges during placement to ensure target elevations were being met. SWS has also provided post construction monitoring services to track elevations as the material dewatered and consolidated. Once the site achieved its target elevation, SWS provided and installed over 100,000 Spartina alterniflora vegetative transplants. The project has experienced great success and is one of the most visible restoration projects in the State.